The last couple of days I have not been sleeping well. Sophia has been crowding me out and wants to frequently nurse. So, Laurin and I decided it is time to move Sophia out of our bed and into her crib. Now, we -read I- have tried this before and Sophia would not have it and I caved. She has been taking her naps in her crib for over a month now, so we thought maybe it was the right time... I mean, we'll never know if we don't try it, right? Here's how the night went...
9:00pm - 9:50pm: Screaming/crying/whining. I never actually left the room, but I did try various positions to see what would work for her. I sat on the floor. Screaming. I hid by the door. Screaming then crying then screaming again. I sat in the chair. Crying. I stood over her rubbing her back and patting her but. Crying then whining. Hmm.. progress. After many attempts at laying her back down, she finally gave in.
1:30am: She awoke and I nursed her - hoping it would seamlessly put her back to sleep... It didn't. I was able to put her back in her crib with little fuss! - Trust me, I was shocked. I was sure that she would put up a fight! As she lay, I rubbed her back and turned on her ocean noises. It took forever to get her little eye peepers to close.
2:10am: I creeped back to bed and got comfortable.
2:11am: She awoke and started crying. Sigh. I tried to lay her back down and she wouldn't have it.
2:15am: She effortlessly went to sleep... in our bed.
3:00am: I finally got to sleep.
I would consider that a pretty successful night! At least we are making some sort of progress. Hopefully tonight will go better!
NIGHT TWO: Sophia went down with only 15 minutes of fussing! But again, she was awake at 1:30. I was too exhausted to fight her. I succumbed and put her in out bed.
NIGHT THREE: She put up no fight! I nursed her to sleep and she didn't budge when I placed her in her crib. However, she was awake at midnight. Started screaming when I even made the motion of placing her back in her crib. She finished the night in our bed.
Sophia has been going down for her nap without nursing for over a week now!!! I've been rocking her to sleep and she seems to be doing okay with it.
Because Sophia was taking her naps without nursing, I decided to try to put her to sleep at night without nursing. It worked and in her crib! NO FUSS - can you believe it?! I'm even able to put her in her crib sleepy but awake!
A part of me feels a bit sad that she doesn't depend on me to sleep anymore... I know it is for the best and a BIG step in the right direction!!!
Now we are working getting her sleep in her crib for the entire night!
Friday, August 24, 2012
14 Months
14 Months! Snacking at Gram's |
Sophia turned 14 months this last Monday. And she reminds me everyday that she is my toddler (bring on the tears - she's not my baby anymore). So much has changed in the last two months and I can't possibly imagine how much she will change in the next two months!
Sophia says words now! She repeated her first word "snack"a couple of months ago. A few days later she used it in proper context - she pointed to her high chair, looked at me and said, "snack?" My heart melted! So, "snack" is her first word.. and if you know my family, you would know that that is not a surprise! Although there was a pool at Laurin's office that it would be a cuss word.. classy, I know.
List of Words Sophia can say at 14 Months:
-Dada/da/DADA (yelling tone - it happens a lot!)
-Mama (only when she is really whiny, she hardly actually says it to get my attention. Boo)
-Bye-Bye while waving (really, it sounds like die-die)
-Grandpa (she refuses to say grandma.. which cracks me up!)
-Baby (ba-bah)
**Still NO TEETH.
She can shake her head no, but she doesn't understand that it means no yet.
She loves to point at EVERYTHING! She is so curious about the world and what is in it.
She goes poop on the potty! Okay, it is not as exciting as it sounds. Sophia makes really loud grunting sounds when she is.. you know.. pooping. As soon as I hear them we rush to the toilet. My main goal is to get her used to the toilet and the idea of using it. I'm hoping that it will make potty training easier later on. We'll see.
Girl has an attitude. Wonder where she gets that from? (Bows head in shame) She really loves to push the boundaries, to see what she's going to get into trouble for. She also loves to run away laughing when I go to get her and move her away from a trouble area. *sigh*
That would the vacuum that she is dragging around. |
Most importantly. She loves to sing and dance. Cue melting heart....
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Notice the shoes... that's what she wanted. |
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I. have. a. toddler.
Holy shit. (pardon my cursing)
Todd-ler... as in, walking child. As in, not a baby anymore.
A one year old.
It has been a full year.
Holy shit. (pardon my cursing once again)
Here's what you've missed (aka I have failed to blog about on time):
. Sophia went on her first airplane ride! We traveled to St. Louis for almost a week. It was so much fun and the weather was amazing!
. Sophia is walking. Yes... walking... or should I say toddling. It seems like it happened overnight! She can even stand her self back up if she falls down without any assistance!
. I turned 26.
. Sophia loves to clap and wave! No talking yet but she understands A LOT! She is also into sharing right now!
. Still no teeth. ugh. Laurin is convinced that she'll never have any! :)
. Still reintroducing solids but so far no reaction! (I have an inkling -sp? that it might be dairy)
. Sophia HATES grass... weird for a kid I know.
. We've been told for the umpteenth time that we need to enter Sophia into some sort of photo contest. Not to toot my own horn, but she is pretty dang cute! :) And yes, child modeling is something I am considering...
I am in the process of writing a post about Sophia's birth story.. mostly for myself, but I find my memory getting a little foggy, which is frustrating! But keep on the lookout, in case you'd be interested in reading it!
Hope everyone is having a great June! And...... HELLO FIRST DAY OF SUMMER!
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37 weeks pregnant.. my last belly photo. |
Sophia and daddy.. just born. |
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May 27, 2012. 11 Months old. |
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Lessons Learned
Here are some lessons that I have learned..
1. Budgeting is my friend. Money has gotten a little tight so we have been forced to become friends the budgeting. It is actually working out really well! This is not to say that we threw money around like it was confetti - wouldn't that be nice! - but have really began to look at our finances to see where we can trim down fat. Preplanning meals is the best option. Since we have began doing that we have saved ourselves from the overload of crap that we don't really need.
2. My brother is awesome and I am old. Stevie turned 22 on the May 2nd. I love him dearly and he reminds me everyday how unimportant material things are. He is thrilled to recieve a pack of wrestling cards on his birthday that were only a couple of dollars. One of his biggest joys in life would be to go to the movies with my sister's boyfriend (although, that will never happen - ugh, don't get me started on that subject!).
3. Almond milk and coconut ice cream aren't that bad and babies NEVER forget the awesome taste of food! Around my brother's birthday Sophia broke out with a rash. I didn't think too much of it because a month ago she had what is called Contact Dermatitis. This means that she had a reaction to something that came in contact with her skin. We determined that it was her baby detergent and promptly stopped using it; the rash cleared up in a couple of days. Sophia also has eczema. So, between these two things a rash wasn't something to rush to the pediatrician's office for. However, the blood in her diaper a couple of days later was. Between the blood and the rash Sophia's pediatrician thinks that she may have a food allergy. She ordered us to exclusively breastfeed her and I was to cut out dairy until the rash was gone and then we would reintroduce foods one by one again. That meant no butter, cheese, sour cream, or milk... not to mention the millions of other things that have some form of dairy in it! LAME. It hasn't been the end of the world for me, there are quite a few options out there for a dairy free lifestyle and most of it isn't that bad. Unfortunately it puts the kabosh on some of our favorite recipes and Laurin has to be careful what he uses to cook with. The worst part about all of this is the look in Sophia's eyes when she sees us eating. The longing in her eyes with her lips smacking, it breaks my heart.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The concept of time needs to be thrown out of the window. From the time you find out that you are pregnant, you begin watching the clock. At least that's when I started. Each month is counted down. "How much longer?" - the all-so-exciting pregnancy clock. Then it becomes the labor clock, "I was in labor for this long!" Or "I've been in labor for this long!" After that it's watching the feeding clock to record how long he/she ate for and when the next feeding should be. This type of clock watching was exceedingly stressful for me. Sophia was - and still is- a bird eater. She would eat for five to ten minutes on one side of the breast and be done. They normally want babies to eat for fifteen on each side. As you can imagine as a first time mom, I stressed over this. Is she eating enough? She seems fine and happy. She gained the proper weight after birth and from that moment on I stopped watching the feeding clock. I stopped timing how long she had been eating for. She was an efficient eater and I fed on demand. Unfortunately that's not where the clock watching ends. Next it has becomes the diaper clock, "When did I change you last?" Nap time and length of nap are clock watching culprits as well. The worst culprit of all though is the age. This is the age clock. Month by month goes by and you realize that you're baby wont be a baby forever. They are growing and getting smarter. It always feels like a lifetime when you are waiting for your baby to arrive, but then time races by once they are out. Sophia will be ONE in two weeks!!! Yes, ONE! I guess I'm feeling sentimental. It's a mixed emotions milestone. Embracing my toddler but mourning the passing of the baby months.My point is that I hope that I haven't wasted too much time watching the clocks in my life. I want to soak up every moment with my baby (she's not one yet!) that I can. Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life. -William Faulkner
Monday, April 23, 2012
Wonderful Weekends.
There is will be many upcoming posts to update you on what I've been up to! But for now here is a post about some wonderful weekends that we've had.
Since we live in Oregon or should I say the Pacific Northwest, we try to take advantage of the beautiful weather we get blessed with. The weekend before this last weekend was no exception! We took Sophia up to Washington Park to enjoy lunch in the sunshine. This activity is a favorite past time of Laurin and mine. So, Sophia and I got dressed up in pretty outfits and we all packed into the car.
We decided to grab lunch and after much ooh-ing and ahh-ing from the cashier about Sophia, we walked back to the car with our delicious smelling -and steaming- bento.
Washington park was its usual busy self, exploding with people enjoying the weather. There were people playing tennis, riding bikes, taking photographs of loved ones using the breathtaking views as backdrops, and just a few taking quiet nature-filled naps.
We laid our awesome giant beach towel - best Costco purchase EVER - out and made ourselves comfortable. Sophia loved sitting outside and took everything in. She even repeatedly danced to her classical music player! Laurin and I got some much needed fun conversations while still enjoying every moment of Sophia.
We sat in the park and played and played! Sophia loved climbing all over daddy! And they played airplanes and giggled!

Since we live in Oregon or should I say the Pacific Northwest, we try to take advantage of the beautiful weather we get blessed with. The weekend before this last weekend was no exception! We took Sophia up to Washington Park to enjoy lunch in the sunshine. This activity is a favorite past time of Laurin and mine. So, Sophia and I got dressed up in pretty outfits and we all packed into the car.
We decided to grab lunch and after much ooh-ing and ahh-ing from the cashier about Sophia, we walked back to the car with our delicious smelling -and steaming- bento.
Washington park was its usual busy self, exploding with people enjoying the weather. There were people playing tennis, riding bikes, taking photographs of loved ones using the breathtaking views as backdrops, and just a few taking quiet nature-filled naps.
We laid our awesome giant beach towel - best Costco purchase EVER - out and made ourselves comfortable. Sophia loved sitting outside and took everything in. She even repeatedly danced to her classical music player! Laurin and I got some much needed fun conversations while still enjoying every moment of Sophia.
We sat in the park and played and played! Sophia loved climbing all over daddy! And they played airplanes and giggled!
This Weekend.
Or should I say this last weekend. The weather is was even better than before! On Friday, we had some wonderful friends over to barbecue. Sophia was shy in the cutest way possible! She eventually opened up and even let Auntie Erin hold her! It was wonderful to enjoy some adult conversations over a great meal and some wine!

On Saturday, we had a wonderful dinner at Laurin's parents' house aka Nana and Grandpa T. I've never before seen Sophia open up with them the way she did. She giggled and talked and was her typical goofy self! She absolutely loved their large wind chime and quickly figured out how to make it "sing".

Laurin even played the piano for Sophia, unfortunately she was too busy playing with Legos to notice. But that's okay because I loved every moment of it!
On Sunday, we had a wonderful Family Day! Laurin had a quick shoot doing family photos in the morning, so Sophia and I had breakfast and she took a bath. We then chilled out with all of our windows open and caught up on a favorite tv show while Sophia napped. Afterwards, we did a quick trip to the grocery store to stock up on food for the week. After lunch we took Sophia for a walk. And boy did she walk! She made it halfway around the block walking on her own (well, holding onto our fingers)! After another Sophia nap, Laurin made dinner. Sophia sure does love to "help" in the kitchen! She is notorious for getting under your feet and making a b-line for open cupboards and the refrigerator!
And after dinner we took a pre-bedtime walk. What a wonderful evening it was for a walk! I love getting the fresh air and Sophia loved looking at the clouds, trees, people... EVERYTHING!
I must say that we've had a couple of wonderful weekends! These are the things I need as mom to be rejuvenated! It makes the week so much better and gives me something to truly look forward to. I try to treasure every moment because it just flies by in the blink of an eye and before I know it, its Monday morning and its back to the daily routines and waiting for Laurin to get home from work...
Next weekend we have our Babyclass reunion! I love seeing all the little babies! Should be another fun weekend!
How was your weekend??
Here is our Menu for the week!
Tuesday: Nachos
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Chicken and Cream Cheese Stuffed Peppers
Friday: Leftovers
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Trisomy Twenty-One
Today is World Down Syndrome Day!
This day is meant to help spread awareness about not only the cause of Down Syndrome but also about how wonderful those who have been diagnosed are. I have a brother with Down Syndrome who is four years younger than me, so I know first hand what it is like being around a Downs kid. He has shown me so much of the world. What beauty lies in the simplest things. Seriously, this kid is happy with some wrestling cards and a Gatorade.
This last weekend. Stevie at his Special Olympic Oregon basketball tournament. |
I've always been to his school events and recently to all of his meetings for possible new programs. I know that part of my never wanted to move out of Oregon (for college) because of him. I wanted to stay by his side. He means the world to me and I've always been So So proud to be his sister (even if he does favorite my husband over me)!
Every chance I've gotten (ie. School reports, research papers, speeches) I've tried to raise awareness about Down Syndrome. Now you can to! Wear blue and yellow every March 21st. Let people know that you care!
If you would like to know more about this day visit World Down Syndrome Day and if you would like to know more about Down Syndrome click Here or Here!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Three-Quarters of a Year.
My dearest Sophia Grace is 9 months old today.
This makes me so happy and so sad at the same time. Just a reminder that she is growing up so fast and those newborn days are long gone. She grows before my very eyes and never ceases to amaze me. It is so hard to remember her being tiny. The way she nestled in my arms as light as a feather. The way I could curl up around so easily while sleeping. Now she's bigger. Now she weighs down my arm and she's too long to curl around while sleeping. She would prefer to sleep sideways anyways! She's ticklish and laughs at funny faces. She mimics sounds and "sings". We often have a contest to see who can make the last sound.. she always wins! Even more bittersweet is the fact that we have to order a "big girl" carseat for her because she is outgrowing her infant carrier and today I washed all of her 6 month clothing. She's always been a small baby, but that doesn't mean that her growing up is any less bittersweet. I can't imagine what a wreck I'm going to be when she turns 1!
Sophia's Progress at 9 Months:
. Crawling (and quickly!) .
. She knows how to play Peek-A-Boo! .
. Can pull herself up on anything .
. Walks along all the furniture (tends to do circles around the coffee table) .
. Tries to stand unassisted, but can only do so for about a second .
. Looks under furniture for objects .
She absolutely loves looking out on the world!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Tropical Storm Sophia
Since Sophia has started crawling she has been on the move. Constantly. Anything and everything is fair game to play with or destroy! She will literally cover every inch of the floor looking for things to get into! She will entertain herself by banging toys together or ripping apart magazines <--- which is a favorite activity. You can always tell where she has been! :)
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Those books are no longer there. She kept trying to bend and rip them apart. Now that bottom shelf is almost empty. Nothing but old magazines that she can happily rip apart now. |
Every time I ask her, "What are you getting into?!" She turns and looks at me first with a surprised "Uh-Oh" face and then with a big grin! She knows that she's being destructive.
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Currently a favorite - cookie cutters. She LOVES scattering those things around! Unfortunately my feet don't find it as awesome. |
photo courtesy of my Instagram Account. If you'd like to follow me, I'm @mthienes |
Yes, mom. I did notice that you didn't shut the lid all the way! |
So Laurin and I are really trying to cut down on our food waste. We are also trying to avoid the inevitable battle of "What's for dinner?" So I've been trolling Pinterest for yummy dinner ideas. I've been doing this for about 3 weeks now and it has worked out wonderfully. We get to try new recipes and we are both happy that we're not fighting about what's for dinner! Follow me on Pinterest if you would like!
Here is our menu for the week!
Monday: Corned Beef
Tuesday: Chicken Gyros
Wednesday: Hump Day Leftovers!
Thursday: Barbacoa Beef Tacos
Friday: Stuffed Peppers
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Unexpected Mommy
When I was pregnant I had a clear picture of what type of mom I would be. I would sit and think about what we would be like as parents and it seemed so clear. and there was no way in Hell I was going to cloth diaper! EW! We would do whatever the pediatrician said and not even think twice about medicine. We would spoil our kids with toys and our kids will probably scream and throw temper tantrums in the ailes (spelling?) of grocery stores to which we would proudly ignore.
Everything changed once Sophia arrived. As any mother would say, I just want the best for her. We wanted to make sure that everything we give her was necessary and have continued to make truly informed decisions. Now, I am not saying that our way is the right way at all. It is just the right way for our family.
I am proud to say that I am a breastfeeding in public, cloth diapering, organic homemade baby food making, label reading/researching, thrifty mother. I am even planning on making our own cloth diaper laundry detergent and possibly cloth wipes!
And my baby? She is the happiest baby around! No documented incidents of public temper tantrums - yet. My point is that you should always be prepared to change. You may have an idea of what you'll be like as a parent before you are one, but you could be completely wrong! Once you have that little Love in your arms, you want nothing but the best for them and your point of view of the world completely changes. You are no longer Mrs. Whoever.
Everything changed once Sophia arrived. As any mother would say, I just want the best for her. We wanted to make sure that everything we give her was necessary and have continued to make truly informed decisions. Now, I am not saying that our way is the right way at all. It is just the right way for our family.
I am proud to say that I am a breastfeeding in public, cloth diapering, organic homemade baby food making, label reading/researching, thrifty mother. I am even planning on making our own cloth diaper laundry detergent and possibly cloth wipes!
And my baby? She is the happiest baby around! No documented incidents of public temper tantrums - yet. My point is that you should always be prepared to change. You may have an idea of what you'll be like as a parent before you are one, but you could be completely wrong! Once you have that little Love in your arms, you want nothing but the best for them and your point of view of the world completely changes. You are no longer Mrs. Whoever.
You are Mommy.
Friday, January 20, 2012
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