Friday, August 24, 2012

Operation Get Sophia to Sleep in Her Crib

The last couple of days I have not been sleeping well. Sophia has been crowding me out and wants to frequently nurse. So, Laurin and I decided it is time to move Sophia out of our bed and into her crib. Now, we -read I- have tried this before and Sophia would not have it and I caved. She has been taking her naps in her crib for over a month now, so we thought maybe it was the right time... I mean, we'll never know if we don't try it, right? Here's how the night went...

9:00pm - 9:50pm: Screaming/crying/whining. I never actually left the room, but I did try various positions to see what would work for her. I sat on the floor. Screaming. I hid by the door. Screaming then crying then screaming again. I sat in the chair. Crying. I stood over her rubbing her back and patting her but. Crying then whining. Hmm.. progress. After many attempts at laying her back down, she finally gave in.

1:30am: She awoke and I nursed her - hoping it would seamlessly put her back to sleep... It didn't. I was able to put her back in her crib with little fuss! - Trust me, I was shocked. I was sure that she would put up a fight! As she lay, I rubbed her back and turned on her ocean noises. It took forever to get her little eye peepers to close.

2:10am: I creeped back to bed and got comfortable.

2:11am: She awoke and started crying. Sigh. I tried to lay her back down and she wouldn't have it.

2:15am: She effortlessly went to sleep... in our bed.

3:00am: I finally got to sleep.

I would consider that a pretty successful night! At least we are making some sort of progress. Hopefully tonight will go better!


NIGHT TWO: Sophia went down with only 15 minutes of fussing! But again, she was awake at 1:30. I was too exhausted to fight her. I succumbed and put her in out bed. 

NIGHT THREE: She put up no fight! I nursed her to sleep and she didn't budge when I placed her in her crib. However, she was awake at midnight. Started screaming when I even made the motion of placing her back in her crib. She finished the night in our bed.



Sophia has been going down for her nap without nursing for over a week now!!! I've been rocking her to sleep and she seems to be doing okay with it.

Because Sophia was taking her naps without nursing, I decided to try to put her to sleep at night without nursing. It worked and in her crib! NO FUSS - can you believe it?! I'm even able to put her in her crib sleepy but awake! 

A part of me feels a bit sad that she doesn't depend on me to sleep anymore... I know it is for the best and a BIG step in the right direction!!!

Now we are working getting her sleep in her crib for the entire night!

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