Thursday, March 17, 2011

Special Olympics

Stevie got to participate in the Winter Special Olympics this year! He competed in the Bench Press and the Dead Lift. Boy was that a LOONNGG Day! Aside from the hour and forty-five minute drive to Springfield in order to be down there by about 9 am, we had hours of sitting and standing ahead.

You would think that for a long running organization, they would have things a bit better organized. We had no idea when the events were supposed to begin. All we knew was that the awards ceremony was supposed to be around 5pm. So we sat and sat and sat... It was a lot of fun though. Steven got to wear this AWESOME green and black leotard.. trust me, not pretty. You could tell he was having a lot of fun!

In the end, he got 2 participation ribbons and a bronze trophy!! YAY! I look forward to getting to watch him participate in the Special Olympics again.
Stevie in his awesome leotard!

Yay! Ribbons and Medals!

Best brother ever!

One of the few photos you will find of Laurin and me together!

Check out the Special Olympics Website to see how you can help this wonderful organization!


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