Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just Because.

Saturday was my mother's birthday. (She turned 45, I mean 32!) We had both my parents over and my brother for breakfast on Sunday.

The result: Good food, good conversation, and pictures!

24 Weeks Pregnant!

Laurin and Me. (Ignore my puffy rudolph nose, I had really bad allergies that day!) Oh, and ignore the vacuum! :)

Dad and Me.... and Kane aka Fatty.

The totally awesome cake I made for my mom. It's says "45" in candles. NOT bad for my first cake! :)

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Yeah, I know there isn't actually a picture of my mom and me. :( She was the one taking the photos.

I have included one for your convenience!
This was taken back in August.  (My head looks HUGE!)

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