Thursday, March 17, 2011

Babies "R" Us = Pain "IN" my Ass

Laurin and I finally tackled that nagging and daunting task of registering for baby stuff. I'm sure for a lot of moms-to-be this is an exciting and fun part of being pregnant. I hated it! It is too much work and there are too many options! Luckily on the large purchases such as the stroller, crib, playpen and car seat we had already made our decisions. It is the SMALL things that piss me off! How many different options do you need for pacifiers or bathtubs? I had the biggest headache (literally) after registering... too many options! How do you really know that you will need all this crap? I even went in armed with a helpful list of things Sophia will need in the first couple months.. Who knew you needed sheets and blankets for your pack n' play??

I am really glad that Laurin was actually present for this process though.. I don't think it ever would have gotten done if he wasn't. I also think that it was a real eye-opener for him as well..

 Laurin: Do we really need a diaper genie or whatever?

Me: Yes we really do need the diaper pail. Unless you plan on carrying every poopy diaper downstairs and into the garage to throw away so it doesn't stink up the house!

Laurin: Nope, that's your job! You get all the poopy diapers!

Do you see what I am dealing with??? Not to mention, he would NOT let go of the scanner! He even freaked out on me when I scanned one thing without him!!! I swear I'm married to a 10 year old! How did I get so lucky??

Because I am into consumerism here is the link for our registry! ;)

So we have decided what we are doing for the nursery. We are going with a Classic Pooh theme. This means, Pooh before he was all Disneyfide.. Laurin actually has some of the original stuffed animals! We have our crib set! All we need to do now is to get the wallpaper border, then I can paint! After that it is buying the crib, getting a small dresser, and putting up shelves and decorations. I know it seems like a lot, but it really isn't. Trust Me. I'm will super stoked when the nursery is all finished!

Deadline: June 5th. Why? That's the date for our baby shower!! YAY!

This is our crib set. Super cute, I know!!!
P.S. This is me at 23 Weeks.

1 comment:

  1. ...someone gave me spectacular advice that I have hung on to, from the moment I became a mom: Babies need Mom, Dad, and a crib. Everything else is just extra.
    Simple, and true. You do not need specific sheets/blankets for your pac-n-play. Money-making scheme for baby-paraphernalia-makers. Etc.
    I also waited to buy a lot of things until I knew what I wanted (trial and error after baby was born), and what worked for my baby.
    Relax, enjoy baby, and ignore anyone that feeds you worry about accessories, brands, and pac-n-play sheets!! :)
    p.s. I'm so excited to see Sophia- she is going to be SO ADORABLE!
