Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Unexpected Mommy

When I was pregnant I had a clear picture of what type of mom I would be. I would sit and think about what we would be like as parents and it seemed so clear.  and there was no way in Hell I was going to cloth diaper! EW! We would do whatever the pediatrician said and not even think twice about medicine. We would spoil our kids with toys and our kids will probably scream and throw temper tantrums in the ailes (spelling?) of grocery stores to which we would proudly ignore.

Everything changed once Sophia arrived. As any mother would say, I just want the best for her. We wanted to make sure that everything we give her was necessary and have continued to make truly informed decisions. Now, I am not saying that our way is the right way at all. It is just the right way for our family.

I am proud to say that I am a breastfeeding in public, cloth diapering, organic homemade baby food making, label reading/researching, thrifty mother. I am even planning on making our own cloth diaper laundry detergent and possibly cloth wipes!

And my baby? She is the happiest baby around! No documented incidents of public temper tantrums - yet. My point is that you should always be prepared to change. You may have an idea of what you'll be like as a parent before you are one, but you could be completely wrong! Once you have that little Love in your arms, you want nothing but the best for them and your point of view of the world completely changes. You are no longer Mrs. Whoever.

You are Mommy. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

From this day..

I apologize that I have been MIA. My little goose has been keeping this household quite busy! However as the Holidays have arrived and passed, she is now taking longer naps and doesn't demand my undivided attention during all of her waking hours. *sigh of relief*

One of my goals.. Yes goals because I do not believe in resolutions. New Year's resolutions are made to be broken or forgotten. This term is used so carefree that it no longer holds any meaning. I mean seriously, do you know anyone that has actually fulfilled their resolution or continued to work on it the ENTIRE year? If you do, then give that person the biggest gift you can find for $25! If you don't, then you understand where I am coming from. Goals are meant to be attainable and reached! Anyways, one of my goals for this year is to be present on my blog more often... I know all five of you have truly deeply missed me!

To catch everyone up (because you are dying to know!), here are some quick highlights from 2011:

January: Last manager's conference I will attend for work. :(

February: Felt first kicks! IT'S A GIRL!

March: Attended Special Olympics Oregon to support my brother in weightlifting. Ashley got ok'd to work again after her accident.

April: Began working on the nursery.

May: Put in new floors!

June: Baby Shower!! Last day of work! 25th Birthday! Miss Sophia Grace arrives!

July: 1st 4th of July! Attended Special Olympics Oregon to support Stevie in baseball. 1st beach trip with the babe!

August: Found out Ashley was pregnant. Baby Class Reunion! First dinner away from her! :(

September: 1st overnight beach trip with the babe, the dogs and my family! Happy 4 year anniversary! First laugh! Apple Picking! Down Syndrome buddy walk.

October: Daddy's birthday. My PawPaw passed. 2nd Baby Class Reunion. 1st Halloween!

November: Ashley's having a boy! Family Pictures! Attended Special Olympics Oregon for Stevie (soccer). 1st Thanksgiving!

December: 1st Christmas!

The babe needs me now, but what are your favorite reflections from 2011???

*dont worry, I'll be back!