I knew that it had been awhile since I had posted last, I just didn't realize it was 2 months ago! Trust me, I have lots of excuses! ;)
1. I've been busy cleaning.
2. I was working until June 11th.
3. We were busy putting our house together.
4. Laurin took our Mac to work (so I cant sink my phone or our camera with awesome pictures AND my laptop is old and lame and doesn't like to connect to the web sometimes).
5. I was enjoying the downtime I had once I was done working.
6. I gave birth.
7. I've been busy being a mom. <----- WINNING EXCUSE!
The entire month of May was dedicated to preparing our house for the arrival of little Sophia Grace. We were busy tearing out carpet, putting floors in and cleaning during every spare moment we had. It took weeks for the floors to be put in (for several reasons I will not state). In fact, our floors are still not finished. We have a tiny section left to do upstairs, the stairs and the baseboards all need to be finished. On a brighter note, it looks beautiful!! The downstairs looks awesome! -- Just in time for our baby shower!
We had two showers set up for June 5th and June 12th (my birthday). When we were putting our guest list together, we realized that we had A LOT of potential guests! So... we were going to have one for the Thienes family and one for the Gregg family.
HOWEVER.......... We did not have enough RSVP's to have two. :( Oh well.
Anywho. We had our wonderful baby shower on the 5th. With that baby shower came a ton of work! That morning around say, 6am, we were busy cleaning, setting up, food prep, and putting the baseboards on downstairs. Yes, you read that right. We were just putting the baseboards on downstairs! It was just like one of those movies where the main character is slated to do this miraculous clean up and set up in a really short amount of time. They make you think that its not going to happen, but then suddenly the open the scene with everything in its exact place! That's how it was! :) Everyone had a great time. I had a great time. The weather was beautiful.
I'll have pictures posted soon. (See excuse #4)
My last day of work was June 11th -- one of the weirdest days ever! The thought that once I clocked out, that was it. That would be the last time I would be behind that counter. The last time I would be waiting on customers, cleaning up messes, being the go-to person for questions or problems. It was weird. However, I walked out the door and felt good. It felt right. I haven't missed it since. It took a little bit to get used to the idea that I didn't have to work the next day or the day after that. I didn't just have a couple free days a week, I had free WEEKS! FOREVER! The only thing that I have missed about Plato's are the employees. The interaction and conversations with them. They were my "friends". I'm ready to go visit, but Sophia needs to be just a bit older...
I was supposed to have 3 weeks until my little one was "scheduled" to arrive. Hell, it could have been up to 5 weeks! Most first timers go on past their due date. I got one week. EXACTLY one week.
............................ This story --> expect it to be long :) ..................................
Father's Day, Sunday, June 19th, 2011.
This day started out pretty normal for Father's day. Laurin and I dragged our butts out of bed early so that we could enjoy breakfast with my parent's, grandparent's and my uncle. Getting out of bed a bit earlier than usual was a daunting task on this day. Laurin had shot a wedding the day before and didn't get home until after midnight. I didn't sleep well due to my bulging belly and the annoying need to pee all the time!
Anywho. The topic of when Sophia would arrive came up (as it always did). My grandmother had asked me how my last appointment had gone. I told her I was a dimple dilated (yes, apparently that is an actual term used!). However, that didn't mean much. Nothing had pointed that Sophia would be arriving anytime soon. Then, my mother had mentioned that she believed that Sophia would be early, end of June early. Laurin disagree, he thought I was going to be late.
And a bet was made.
Yes, Laurin and my mother bet each other. It was only for breakfast (thankfully).
Later in the afternoon, my parents came over to help Laurin plant some trees in our backyard while I made my dad cookies. All was well and normal.
Scene: Evening. Laurin and I watching a movie on the couch.
I felt what I thought was Sophia sucker punching me in the gut, which is something that she had never done before. Then I hear a pop. I thought that was a bit weird, but I didn't really think anything of it.
10 minutes later @ about 6:45pm.
Me: "Uh-oh."
Laurin: "What?!!"
Me: (yes, this is really what I said) "Either I just peed my pants or my water just broke!"
Laurin: "Are you serious?"
Only 15% of women experience their water breaking before labor begins. Most of the time it happens during active labor or the doctor breaks it.
After about 5 minutes of freaking out in the bathroom, I finally got the sanity to call my doctor and begin packing my go-bag. Yup, that was one of the many many things that still needed to be done. In fact here is a list.
1. Go-bag
2. Nursery including wallpaper border, crib, shelves, and books.
3. Getting car seat
4. Pack 'n Play
All while I am freaking out that my go-bag still needs to be packed, Laurin is calm.
Since we took classes, we knew that it wasn't necessary to rush to the hospital. We need to wait until the 5-1-1 rule (contractions 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute long, for 1 hour). I had yet to have a contraction, so we waited. And waited. What did I do in the meantime? I straightened my hair and touched up my make-up. Yup, that's what I did... After that it was resting and drinking as much water as possible.
By 11pm we were headed to the hospital. And for the record, contractions SUCK! They were awful. By the time we got to the hospital they were 3 minutes apart. I could barely make it into the elevator!
I opted for an epidural (the pain was too much). Oh boy was that the right choice! Nothing like losing all feeling in your legs!
Once we got "settled", we were informed that Sophia would be considered late preterm. This meant that she could have some problems at birth that would also be associated with premature babies. I know that they were required to inform me, and I would want to be informed, but there is nothing scarier than someone telling you that your baby could have some problems, large or small. All any parent wants is a healthy child.
I must say that labor went extremely smooth. We only had one small complication, if that is even what you want to call it. Everything progressed fairly quickly from 11pm to 7:30am. At that time I was dilated to 9.5 (we were close)!!! At 11:30am... still at 9.5. I had stalled out. My doctor was absolutely wonderful and had such a positive attitude. We were nervous that since I stalled out the chances of me needing to have a c-section increased...
After 17.5 hours of labor....
5 lbs 10 oz.
18 inches long
19 days early
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6 days old. |
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She was so little, Auntie Ashley had to buy premie onsies so she would have an outfit to go home in! |
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With big brother Kane. |
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5 days old. |
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Already with the attitude! |
A great post, Melissa and, of course, great pics. Thanks for letting us in on your experiences.
ReplyDeleteCathy Thienes