Since we live in Oregon or should I say the Pacific Northwest, we try to take advantage of the beautiful weather we get blessed with. The weekend before this last weekend was no exception! We took Sophia up to Washington Park to enjoy lunch in the sunshine. This activity is a favorite past time of Laurin and mine. So, Sophia and I got dressed up in pretty outfits and we all packed into the car.
We decided to grab lunch and after much ooh-ing and ahh-ing from the cashier about Sophia, we walked back to the car with our delicious smelling -and steaming- bento.
Washington park was its usual busy self, exploding with people enjoying the weather. There were people playing tennis, riding bikes, taking photographs of loved ones using the breathtaking views as backdrops, and just a few taking quiet nature-filled naps.
We laid our awesome giant beach towel - best Costco purchase EVER - out and made ourselves comfortable. Sophia loved sitting outside and took everything in. She even repeatedly danced to her classical music player! Laurin and I got some much needed fun conversations while still enjoying every moment of Sophia.
We sat in the park and played and played! Sophia loved climbing all over daddy! And they played airplanes and giggled!
This Weekend.
Or should I say this last weekend. The weather is was even better than before! On Friday, we had some wonderful friends over to barbecue. Sophia was shy in the cutest way possible! She eventually opened up and even let Auntie Erin hold her! It was wonderful to enjoy some adult conversations over a great meal and some wine!

On Saturday, we had a wonderful dinner at Laurin's parents' house aka Nana and Grandpa T. I've never before seen Sophia open up with them the way she did. She giggled and talked and was her typical goofy self! She absolutely loved their large wind chime and quickly figured out how to make it "sing".

Laurin even played the piano for Sophia, unfortunately she was too busy playing with Legos to notice. But that's okay because I loved every moment of it!
On Sunday, we had a wonderful Family Day! Laurin had a quick shoot doing family photos in the morning, so Sophia and I had breakfast and she took a bath. We then chilled out with all of our windows open and caught up on a favorite tv show while Sophia napped. Afterwards, we did a quick trip to the grocery store to stock up on food for the week. After lunch we took Sophia for a walk. And boy did she walk! She made it halfway around the block walking on her own (well, holding onto our fingers)! After another Sophia nap, Laurin made dinner. Sophia sure does love to "help" in the kitchen! She is notorious for getting under your feet and making a b-line for open cupboards and the refrigerator!
And after dinner we took a pre-bedtime walk. What a wonderful evening it was for a walk! I love getting the fresh air and Sophia loved looking at the clouds, trees, people... EVERYTHING!
I must say that we've had a couple of wonderful weekends! These are the things I need as mom to be rejuvenated! It makes the week so much better and gives me something to truly look forward to. I try to treasure every moment because it just flies by in the blink of an eye and before I know it, its Monday morning and its back to the daily routines and waiting for Laurin to get home from work...
Next weekend we have our Babyclass reunion! I love seeing all the little babies! Should be another fun weekend!
How was your weekend??
Here is our Menu for the week!
Tuesday: Nachos
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Chicken and Cream Cheese Stuffed Peppers
Friday: Leftovers