Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Humbled Moments & Thank You's


Sophia turned 6 weeks on Monday. She has grown up SO much! I look back at the day we brought her home. She was so tiny in our arms. So precious. Dainty. Breakable. Now she is smiling up a storm. She loves to look around especially at light fixtures! I look at her with mixed emotions. I'm excited that she is growing up, one more step to being able to giggle and walk. One more step to drawing and being excited to go to the zoo or the beach. One more step to playing dress up and reading books. I'm also sad that she is growing up. One more step from being my precious, dainty and breakable newborn. One more step from being content to just look into my eyes. One more step from needing me to rock her to sleep every time. It is true that they grow up too fast and that we will miss these moments. I already do. But... I can't wait to play dress up!

The day we brought her home. She barely fit into the car seat!

6 Weeks old.

Full of Smiles!

Full of Energy!

Yesterday I was writing some "Thank You" notes to my Grandmother's friends. A couple of them made Sophia blankets and a couple of them gave her outfits. These wonderful ladies I've only met once. And even though I don't know them very well, they were gracious enough to make or buy Sophia something. They are not related to Sophia yet they have shown her love like they would their own great granddaughter. What a humbling experience. We have gotten so much love from friends and family. We are truly blessed. It is just a reminder at how wonderful the world can be (despite what the news depicts).

Thank you to everyone in our lives. Thank you for welcoming our beautiful daughter into a gracious and loving world. I have been humbled by your kindness. Thank you.

Thank you Sunshine for allowing me to finally wear my summer clothes!
Thank you LilyPadz for allowing me to wear a strapless dress!
&& Thank you YouTube for showing me how to cut my own bangs!


Thank you Grandma for making me delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies!! Mmmm...